
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Welcome to 2016!!

Welcome to Room 14 for our final year at Avondale!  This year our weekly notices will be posted on this blog so we can conserve paper and the cost of photocopying.  Today you will receive a notice requesting permission for your child's photo and/or work to be displayed on the blog.


I have set up a text reminder system through 'Remind' which you can subscribe to.  This allows me to send a bulk class message with reminders about trips, things that need to be returned to school and special events.  I have sent emails to those parents who had an email address listed on our school database.  If you did not receive an email invite please use this link in order to subscribe: remind.com/join/nrank

School Supplies
Please send your child's stationery as soon as possible.  We have already supplied Topic, Poetry and Maths books for every child in the Kowhai Team.  If you could please send them in a plastic bag this enables me to be able to sort it out without it getting mixed up with that of other children.


Wide brimmed and bucket style hats are compulsory in terms 1 and 4.  Please ensure you send your child's hat to school every day (or allow them to leave it at school during these terms).  Children without a hat will be removed from the playground.  Caps are not acceptable, nor are beanies or hoods.


The swimming pool will be open this term and we are swimming every day.  Please name all articles of clothing, togs and towels.  You would be amazed at what gets left in the changing rooms!  Please also ensure you have applied sunscreen to your child.

Modern Learning Environments

As we prepare the children for the transition to the new school we are adapting our classrooms to be more like the environments they will encounter down there.  In Room 14 children are not assigned desks.  There are a variety of options for children to choose to work at.  We have tables in groups, pairs and individually.  This allows children to monitor their own learning and choose to sit where they work best.  It also means that if they are being distracted by others they have the option to move.  Children keep their belongings in in tote trays and their books are kept in boxes around the room.  This year Kowhai team will be interchanging for Maths and the Arts (music, dance and singing).  We are also looking at some interchange for reading.  This will allow teachers to better target the needs of the children and allow the children the opportunity to work with a variety of teachers, as they will do in the new school. 


Please ensure your child has a nutritious lunch each day.  We have a lot of work to cover this year and children who are hungry do not achieve as well.  Please keep sugary food to a minimum and ensure that your child has only water in their drink bottle.  Lollies and fizzy are not permitted at Avondale School.  Breakfast is very important as children who do not have breakfast tend to eat their lunch on the way to school which compounds their hunger during the day.


From week 3 your child will have reading, spelling and basic facts to learn each night.  These are important foundation skills and it is very important that you ensure your child completes these tasks each night.

I would love for you to pop in and see me over the next few weeks as I get to know your child.  You hold all of the knowledge about your child and I am keen to gather some insights!  If you have any questions you can email me on nicola.r@avondale.school.nz, call me via the school office, or pop in and see me before or after school.

I am looking forward to getting to know you and your family.

Kind regards

Nic Rankin

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